Rhetorical Analysis: Visual-Verbal Text

For my analysis, I would like to spend some time looking at a logo for a team that is very near and dear to my heart. My bowling team.

This is the current logo for our team. It is on all of our scoring sheets, our website and it's our cover photo for Twitter. We had to do some re-branding because Club Sports here at Ball State wanted us to include "club" in there since we are a Club Sport and go through Rec Services for everything. The paperwork, the eligibility, forms that allow us to travel and our team board has so many meetings throughout the year that it becomes a little bit ridiculous.

Now, let's get to the analysis part of this post.

The overall logo isn't terrible. It gets the point across that we are a women's bowling club here at Ball State, but that's all that it does. To me, it is very clunky and hard to follow from left to right. "Ball State" is a bit too close together, "club" is way too big and prominent, there isn't enough color, there are too many fonts being used and "bowling" is a bit difficult to read as it doesn't stand out as much as I think it should.

This is the logo that I redesigned. Our school colors are Cardinal Red and White, so I felt that the white needed to be represented and use black as an outlining color to help the letters connect, but still look as though they are individuals.

I wanted to have some fun with "lady cardinals" and "bowling" so I made them the same font because you shouldn't have more than two in a design. Again, I wanted to keep the simplicity, but really enhance it to stand out. I felt that the font was cute and still very readable in the design. Nothing is getting lost because the way that it is layered together allows for the reader's eyes to focus in rather than bounce around.

Of course, I had to keep "club" in there, so it's the same as "Ball State," but not bold it nor did I make the letters thicker. I actually thinned them a bit and spread them out to be in line with the "e."

I wanted to keep the bowling pin for sure because, well we're bowlers and pins are kind of an essential part of the game.

Not to toot my own horn, but I think it came together nicely and I would hope that one day, it can be used.

The target audience for this particular sport/club is a bit strange because as the social media coordinator, I want fellow bowling schools to look at our branding and what we've done and think, "Wow. They have a really good brand and it's catching the eyes of these high schoolers." But, I also want more parents to become involved and start paying attention to bowling after high school.

I want more than anything to leave behind something for my protege to build on with branding. Our team is more than just people who go out, grab a drink and chuck a ball down the lane. No. We don't do that. We go to tournaments about every weekend from September to February with post-season happening in March and April. We have two mandatory practices a week with a third optional practice available. We don't get the luxury of renting a bus, we carpool to tournaments and have to do a bunch of travel paperwork to prove that we're not just taking Ball State's money for fun.

We are a serious team and I really wanted to showcase that we are a team no matter what this university says. We compete against some of the best schools in this nation and sometimes we really prove to other teams, and especially ourselves, that we are just as good as an NCAA team that hands out scholarships.


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