Final video project

Describe your focal topic, why you chose it, and how you went about learning more about this particular cause or organization.  Share your passion and feel free to show your colleagues the work you produced leading up to your video project.

- MOTORMVB is a non-profit organization that I wanted to shed some light on because they are wanting to grow the game of boys' and men's volleyball.
I chose it because I wanted to share what I've been working on all semester. I was able to put all of my skills from this class into another class and learn from both. I think it all turned out really well and I'm proud of myself for keeping a strong head throughout the process.

What did you learn about the affordances and constraints of video production? What problems did you encounter?  What was most fun or stressful?

- I had a lot of problems just getting the interview to happen. It was a lot of emailing back and forth and I thought it wasn’t going to happen. I had moved on to plan D and then I finally got an email back. So, I reverted back to my original plan and it all worked out!

What audience do you think this video could reach?  Where could you circulate this video and what do you hope viewers think about or do in response to your research?

- It can reach a lot of people with this video. I was mostly wanting my audience to be sports people, but I realized that if I reach outside of that audience I could bring even more awareness to this issue. More people need to know that men’s volleyball exists and I’m proud to say that I’ve gotten the word out a little bit!


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