
Showing posts from January, 2018

The Cringy Look Back of My Early Photography

Yes, it is that time where as a senior in college I have to lookback at where everything pretty much started to click for me. To your shock, I did not want to work for Sports Illustrated four/five years ago. I actually wanted to be an equine veterinarian with a minor in photography PLUS I wanted to study at Purdue and keep the family alma mater. Nowadays, I look back at 18-year-old me and want to smack her on head. I mean, come on. I wasn't very good at science and there was no way that I could get through all the blood and guts. I could barely make it through a spaying procedure on a dog! That should've been my first clue. I've come a LONG way since then. Since the 2015 Spring semester, I've been wanting to shoot all kinds of sports. So far I've shot; baseball, basketball, bowling, cheerleading, dance, diving, football, ice hockey, dirt track auto racing, soccer, softball and track & field. I want to get even more sports under my belt. I'm looking at mo

I am a... Jedi Master?

While I’m honored that Buzzfeed thinks I’m a Jedi Master, I don’t think I am myself. Yes, I’m really good at Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator and iMovie. But, that doesn’t mean anything when it comes to putting out content. Or maybe I’m secretly really good at it, but not have any idea that I am? This is where this gets tricky for me. I constantly ask myself, is this going to take well to my audience?  But then I think about my internship at WTHR where we had to please our audience, or “Jennifer” as we called them. I hope that I can figure out if I’m really good at this or not. Sometimes rhetoric is my forte and other days I forget so easily what they are and what they can do.